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The Rules

  • When at tournaments. players will wear their SandYard jerseys. No exceptions.
  • SandYard Players will always behave with good sportmanship when playing at home or at away tournaments.
  • Players will treat all coaches with respect with their full attention. Players that disrespect coaches or assistant coaches will be asked to go home. If the behavior continues, three warnings and the player will be asked not to return.
  • All team events are mandory. Such as but not limited to: Player parties, team dinners, advance clinics...
  • Players are expect to arrive at practice 15 minutes early. Players that arrive late without informing the coach will run a quater-mile lap around the courts.
  • If applicable, player will assist the coaches with put up and break down of equipment.
  • Players are responsible for all club balls that are used for practices. Find them all before you leave the premises.
  • Players are responsible for bringing their own ball to all tournaments.
  • Players must listen to all coaches, assistant coaches and clinicians during practices and tournaments. All coaches/clinicians have the right to give consequences as a result of bad behaivor to you and/or the entire practice group. Consequences can vary from push-ups, running laps, burpees, sprints to being sent home for 48 hours.
    • Bad Behavior is defined as:
      • Not listening to instructions
      • Goofing around while a coach is speaking in group discussions
      • Unsportsmanlike conduct to coaches or teammates
      • Not asking permission to leave the court or practice premises
  • No leaving the practice premises during practice.. ever. Unless it is a family emergency or you have discussed leaving early with the coach on duty and the director.
  • No rough talk to other players. This excludes heckiling in a good nature. If a player asks you to stop, stop immediately.
  • Bring your ball to practice always.
  • No phones out at practice unless there's a family reason to do so. (5-27-24)





Player Family Expectations

Family members may be asked to leave if they cannot follow thess rules and player not invited back to the club.


  1. At all club activities, parents/guardians are expected to act appropriately, keeping in mind that they are representing the club and our area. This includes practices, tournaments, and hotel or overnight accommodations.
  2. Parents/guardians must display good sportsmanship toward competitors, officials, and event staff at all events and venues.
  3. No foul or abusive language will be tolerated from parents/guardians at any time.
  4. Parents must refrain from criticizing any player, including their own player, during tournaments, club events and practices.
  5. Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss any problems relating to their team with the coach. However, no coach will be allowed to speak with a parent regarding their game strategies or any other team management issue during tournament play. The coach will schedule an appropriate meeting time before or after practice.
  6. When you have a concern regarding your player, we expect you to use the following procedure:
    1. The athlete should speak with the coach first.
    2. The parent/guardian should speak with the coach, and then,
    3. If you feel the problem is not remedied the parent and athlete should meet with the coach and the Club Director(s). Players or parents/guardians not complying with this procedure risk expulsion from the club.
  7. Many facilities have rules regarding what may and may not be brought into the facility or play location. Please adhere to all facility rules regarding food, drinks, chairs, and pets, etc. Teams may be penalized for failure to follow facility rules.


AVP and SandYard


  • Parents- It is never OK to interfere with the games. Do not talk to the players that are reffing or playing during any of the games. Only cheering is allowed! 
  • Players that are reffing- do not take your phones to the reffing area unless you are using them to keep score. 
  • Players that are reffing- Always pay attention to the game. Call out the score each time the teams go back to serve.
  • Players that are reffing- If a dispute comes up about a ball being in or out or similar call.  It is an automatic re-do if you cannot find the ball mark.  
  • Players that are playing- DO NOT make any reffing calls against the other team, it is up to the refs to make calls.  (What I do in a situation where a ref may not seen an infraction, is going over to the refs and politely say, and this is just an example, "Could you please keep an eye out for nets? This is the second time she hit the net and there wasn't a call. Thanks.")
  • Players that are playing- Call out the score each time the your team goes back to serve. 
  • All Tournament attendees, players and parents- Keep our club culture positive! This is a safe, non toxic environment for our players, coaches and families to participate in a sport we all love. Do not distrub the peace. 
  •  Players Apparel Junior athletes will be required to wear a top that covers their midriff while standing and full coverage bottoms. 
July 2, 2024

Last Updated

We work on a three strikes you are out. If the player, is removed from the program for not meeting the expectations, there will be no refunds.